Climate Contest


Climate Rules contest coming soon to your class.

Join the international game for schools and start your journey to sustainability!


What is the project about?

Experience the project day "Climate Rules" and go through one century to save the planet in just 4 hours!

"Climate Rules" is an experiential project where teams fight to save the planet by investing smartly and sustainably in modern technologies. Project day is designed based on the board game “Masters of the Climate” designed by Tomáš Mrkvička. Game is focused on critical topics of the 21st century such as sustainability, globalization, digitalization and technology.  The project also aims on building of indispensable skills for future sustainable leaders.  That´s why the project serves as an impulse to change attitudes and thinking. Over the course of 4 hours, students adopt the roles of government officials who must work together to save planet Earth. 

They use modern technologies, contribute to their meaningful use, negotiate at international summits, and responsibly manage their state. We aim to consider all the components important in combining education, technology, and shifts in mindsets. We emphasize taking responsibility for our actions and encourage collaboration. Together, we want to provide participating students with the experience of the "Climate Rules" project day, where they will experience a century of saving the planet.

The main pillars of the project are


Principle of gamification






Strengthening key competences




Experience and emotional impulse


The project ended on March 31.

Country and Date 

Place and Name


14th of June

Střední odborné učiličtě a Střední odborná škola Kladno

Integrovaná střední škola živnostenská, Plzeň

Střední průmyslová škola Emila Kolbena, Rakovník

Vyšší odborná škola, Obchodní akademie SPgŠ Most

Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola Rokycany


21st of September

Gimnazija Jožefa Pleřnika Ljubjana

Gimnazija in srednja šola Rudolfa Maistra

Gimnazija Ledina

II. gimnazija Maribor

Strednja trgovska šola Ljubljana


5th of October

Gymnázium Púchov

Gymnázium Ivana Kraska

Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika

Stredná odborná škola lesnícka

Gymnázium Andreja Vrábla Levice


26th of October

Klementyna Hoffmanowa High School IX

Technikum Ekonomiczne nr 1im. Mikolaja

XL Liceum Ogólnoksztalcace z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Stefana Zeromskiego

Liceum ogólnoksztalcace im. Aleksandra Kaminskiego

ZSO nr1 im. KEN w Pulawach


11th of November

Hatvani Bajza József Gimnázjum

Györi Waldorf Gimnázium

Szentendrej Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázjum

The game is on!

#virtualconference #internationalsummit

The two-day event, held entirely online, provided a platform for nominated secondary schools from partner countries to connect, exchange ideas, and contribute to the project's goals of raising awareness and taking action against climate change.

#sustainability #projectday #education

Let´s find out what is the project day really about! Check the dates and what needs to be done before we start. 

#green #future #erasmusplus

Teams consist of secondary school students from five countries in the Central Europe participate the project day. Have a look what we have lined up for them.  

#sustainabledevelopmentgoals #sustainability

You made it! Project day is behind you, but we have more to come. What you can expect? 

#virtualconference #internationalsummit

Finally, all your tasks are accomplished and we are waiting for the winner to be annouced. The final international conference in the Deloitte 3D Virtual environment is scheduled on 2nd and 3rd of February.  

Password to access the file: qLa3FTjtzw

Our purpose is to motivate young people to become leaders of sustainability, with the opportunity to use modern technologies that solve climate and social issues.

Are you interested in improving environment and help us unleash the potential of the young generation?

Become a partner of the project!

Project is co-financed by programme Erasmus+

Boost your knowledge

#climatechange #SDGs

#SDGs #letsplay


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